
Our mission

With our tools we want to help customer facing people to make their work more valuable and to get more recognition as a result.

About us

What we do

We help automate calls and follow-up workflows smartly and integrate them with our client’s CRM tool. Our software-as-a-service solutions work immediately after installation, without complex configuration or consulting.

Why we do what we do

Efficient sales and service professionals ensure customer success, often against many odds. They deserve the best tools to make their work more valuable and subsequently more recognized.

Where we come from

As consultants and developers, we implement customized solutions for sales and service processes based on leading CRM software. The accumulated knowledge of very similar processes has led to solutions that our customers can use out-of-the-box today, without individual developments and waiting times.

Join Hej

“Hej” is Swedish for “hello” at eye level. Working is an important part of life and should be meaningful and self-determined. Are you interested in co-responsible work and personal growth? Then please get in touch with us.

Join our mission!

Bist du Developer, UX Designer oder Sales Growth Experte? Nehme Kontakt per LinkedIn auf, dein Ansprechpartner ist Clemens von Dincklage (Geschäftsführer).